God Law & Liberty

Telling SCOTUS to Think Like Enlightenment Philosophers. Really?

This week friend of the court briefs were filed with the U.S. Supreme Court on a case out of Tennessee that is of civilization defining importance—whether bodies are essential to human meaning. David briefly explains the brief he submitted and compares it to one filed by the scholarly Ethics and Public Policy Council with its Judeo-Christian ethic. He explains why the latter’s brief seems to call for a return to good old bad days of the Enlightenment that undermined biblical Christianity and ushered in nihilism.


David's Latest Commentary:

Another Trump Revolution in November? Then What?

Oct 18, 2024 by David Fowler

On December 8, 2016, I published a commentary entitled, “Will the Trump Revolution Bring Real Change?” My answer was, “No” unless one thing began to happen. It didn’t, and we got President Biden. If we get “round t...
Another Trump Revolution in November? Then What?

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