God Law & Liberty

Moving Beyond a Neo-Covenanter and Neo-Baptist Blame Game

Today David offers a Biblical touchstone for improving on the church-state problems that contributed to our law no longer having a Christian foundation. Demonstrative of those problems are two historical situations that may explain why the Danbury Baptists may have sided with the Enlightenment-influenced, Gospel-averse Thomas Jefferson for President. There is “blame” enough for every stripe of Protestant to share in and now it’s time to move forward.


David's Latest Commentary:

How the Vice-Presidential Debate Confirmed My Growing Suspicions

Oct 4, 2024 by David Fowler

After thirty years of living and working directly in the political sphere, my experience regarding this week’s vice-presidential debate and my reaction to it were unusual. My experience may not have been atypical, but I suspect my reaction is n...
How the Vice-Presidential Debate Confirmed My Growing Suspicions

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