Understanding the Proposed Amendments to TN Constitution

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Four proposed amendments will appear on the November 8, 2022 ballot directly after the candidates for governor. To read the amendments being considered for the 2026 ballot, click here.

Proposed Constitutional amendments are presented as yes or no questions. A yes vote is a vote to amend the Constitution and adopt the proposed language in the amendment. A no vote is a vote not to amend the Constitution and keep the current language in the Constitution unchanged.

What follows are links to commentaries our president has written about the Amendments.


Amendment #1

Amendment 1—Marxist Ideology Pointing to the Church’s Failure?

Final Thoughts on Amendment 1 and the Right to Work

Amendment #2

Amendment 2 to the Tennessee Constitution 

Amendment #3

Do You Really Understand Amendment 3 to Tennessee’s Constitution?

Amendment #4

Amendment 4—What is the Relationship Between Ministers and the State Legislature

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