Joe Biden Faces Christian Backlash Over Transgender Children Remark

Oct 21, 2020

Joe Biden Faces Christian Backlash Over Transgender Children Remark

On Thursday, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden stated that young children should be able to change gender identities without any “discrimination.”
Speaking at a town hall in Philadelphia, Biden was questioned by the mother of an eight-year-old child who identified as transgender. The woman asked him, if elected, what he would do in response to the Trump administration’s ban on gender transition in the military and other “weakening” of nondiscrimination rules. "I will flat-out just change the law. Eliminate those executive orders," Biden responded. "There is no reason to suggest that there should be any right denied your daughter ... that your other daughter has a right to be and do."

Family Research Council Action accused the presidential candidate of promoting the "unfounded belief that all children with 'gender dysphoria' are innately and immutably 'transgender." On Friday, the group released an analysis claiming scientific research has found long-term harm in gender transition procedures among minors. "Joe Biden is wrong to encourage gender transitions for 8-year-old children," said Peter Spring, Senior Fellow for Policy Studies at Family Research Council Action. 

News Sources:

Biden backs 'transgender rights' for children during town hall

Why Joe Biden Is Wrong on Gender Transition for Eight-Year-Olds: FRC Action Explains

Christian leaders react to Joe Biden's support for 8-y-o kids identifying as transgender

Joe Biden Tells Mom He Supports Transgendering Eight-Year-Old Kids
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